An Overview
Has anyone ever made the list of things without which one cannot live? If asked, we, humans, can definitely make a list of innumerable things that we might not be able to live without. However, for women, sanitary napkins will always rank high on such list. Menstruation is a natural monthly occurring process caused by the hormonal changes taking place in the body of a woman. Therefore, how imperative sanitary napkins are to women is no more a debatable topic but the kind of napkin they use, surely is. A good quality and comfortable sanitary napkin is the foundation of women health. At The Companion Healthcare & Hygiene, we, as a manufacturer and exporter, bring forth menstrual pads that are not only good for women but the environment too.
Our collection of Disposable Sanitary Pads, Regular Sanitary Pads, Large Sanitary Pads and every other pad is safe to use and safe for the environment as it is Eco-friendly in nature. To achieve our goal of promoting health, wellness and comfort for women worldwide, we keep conducting researches that enables us to understand the exact requirements of women from all over the world. Thus, enabling us to take actions, accordingly.
Go Girl To The Rescue
Every woman has her own individuality and each one differs from other in many ways and so does their body. The flow throughout a cycle keeps on changing. Choosing the right menstrual pad for a particular flow would not only prevent the leakages but would keep the wearer comfortable, dry and safe from bacteria that may otherwise prevail due to the use of poor quality pads. With the launch of our brand, Go Girl, we offer sanitary napkins Regular Sanitary Pads and other types in variety of:
- Sizes
- Thicknesses
- Absorbing capacities
- Wings or no-wings, etc.
We ensure every woman now has access to the pad that is made for her flow and body.
Safely Packed
Usually the package of a product is always first criteria on the basis of which customers judge the product. Therefore, we invest a lot in our packaging process. And when say package, we never mean the color combinations we use. Though important for catching eyes, but when manufacturing products for healthcare and wellness industry, evaluating the package quality becomes more essential. Hence, we ensure not only outer packaging of our Disposable Sanitary Pads is of high quality but each pad is carefully packed, thereby, preventing any contamination.