Sanitray Pads

Sanitray Pads

Product Details:

1.75 INR/Pack

Sanitray Pads Price And Quantity

  • 1.75 INR/Pack
  • 5000 Pack

Sanitray Pads Trade Information

  • 1000 Pack Per Day
  • 1 Week

Product Description

Sanitray Pads is a permeable pad that can be worn under the panties during the time of period. This is made to absorb the menstrual blood. Also, its use ensures that the user remain free of rashes as well as skin irritation. They are simple in use. Women of different age can use this. They are fragrant and keep the odor away. Sanitray Pads are accessible with simple to use process. Simple to stick on and easy to put off the pads give ease and convenience to the wearers.

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